Saturday, 29 September 2012

Summer Fundraising

The Committee would like to thank all those members (both children and adults) who took part in the bag packing at both ASDA and Morrisons over the last couple of months.

From both sessions the club has raised a fantastic £1190

Everyone did an excellent job of promoting a positive image of the club although one customer did think it was a club that specialised in fish!!

It is appreciated that great number of members gave up their time to help out over the 2 days but a special mention should be made of the following individuals:

Sophie Dodd, Zara McKnight, Lucy, Poppy and Daisy Wilson who bag packed for long periods over both sessions.

Megan Willis who has just finished her trial period came along to bag pack at Morrisons.

Owen Cogan and Kyle Hall who aren’t even members but were down in support of their sisters and teamed up together to do a fantastic job.

Finally a big thank you to Joe Rimmer who stayed from 10.00am to 4.00pm (the whole session) and even got a special thank you from the cashier at Morrison who said he had been a great help throughout the day.

At the recent Cumbria Selection Gala, Michelle McKnight very kindly held a cake stall which made £200.76 for club funds. Many thanks to all that baked the delicious cakes and to Michelle and the other parents that helped on the stall.