Sunday 1 July 2012

North West Regional Masters Championships

A squad of 7 Masters swimmers from Carlisle Aquatics had a very successful Meet at North West Regional Championships at the Palatine Pool, Blackpool on Saturday 30 June 2012.

The majority of swimmers had season’s best times and age group winners were Vanessa Foster (50 Br/s), Ian Scott (200 fly, 200 Br/s) Graham Pearson (50, 100 and 200 Br/s), Judy Hattle (50 and 200 fly) and Steve Foster (100 F/s). Mike Scales had 3rd place in 50 fly and Paul Gibson in 200 back crawl.

County Records were broken by Paul Gibson in the 200 back crawl and Ian Scott in the 200 butterfly. Graham Pearson broke his existing British record for the 200 breaststroke.

Thanks goes to Graeme Muirhead for his coaching of the Masters Squad. This is certainly paying off judging by the Masters results so far this year.